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Hulu Plus on PS3 Gets Improved Navigation and Discovery in New Update

Гость PlayStation®

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It’s been two years since Hulu Plus first launched in living rooms across the U.S. via PlayStation 3 – but we haven’t stopped there. Since then, we’ve kept our promise to never stop innovating. Our team of passionate engineers in Hulu’s Seattle office has been hard at work, taking your feedback to build the latest entertainment experience for your living room.


I’m excited to announce that the new and improved Hulu Plus experience rolls out today on PlayStation 3. Designed to help you get to the shows you watch faster than ever before, the new experience includes larger, more vivid artwork and is easier to navigate.

We’ve implemented a tray-style format that allows you to scroll through recommendations based on your viewing history, or check out popular shows and movies, the top 100 clips on Hulu Plus, movie trailers and more. We’ve also included a “Shows You Watch” feature that highlights the content you regularly enjoy, and lets you jump straight to the latest episode.


The updated search experience provides a simple way to find content with results that appear directly beneath the search. When you select a show, you’ll have access to all of the episodes and clips in one place. If it’s a show you’ve watched before, you can pick up right where you left off.

The latest update also features simplified playback, with clean, intuitive controls: press up or down to display a playback menu, or left or right to fast-forward or rewind.


To get started, go to PlayStation’s “TV/Video Services” in the cross media bar, install the new Hulu Plus app in the “My Channels” section and start watching your favorite current season TV today for only $7.99/month. If you’re new to Hulu Plus, you can sign up for a free one-week trial at www.huluplus.com/ps3promo.

PlayStation 3 is the first living room platform we are rolling out the new Hulu Plus experience on, so please take it for a spin and let us know what you think. For any questions, feel free to send us an email to support@hulu.com. Enjoy!


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