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New Invizimals games coming soon to PS Vita and PS3

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Hi everyone! I’m Mitsuo Hirakawa and I work as a Producer at Sony Europe’s XDev Studios on our newly announced games Invizimals: The Alliance (PS Vita) and Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom (PS3). We are super-excited to announce these brand new titles because we have been working in secrecy for some time and now finally we can tell the whole world what we’ve been up to! Eagle-eyed gamers may have recognised the Invizimals from the previous games released on PSP.

We have two great dev teams working on these games. First, we have the multi-award-winning studio Novarama Technology from Barcelona, Spain. World pioneers in the use of Augmented Reality for games, and developers of the original Invizimals Trilogy on PSP, they have been secretly working on Invizimals: The Alliance for PS Vita. It’s an all-new augmented reality adventure where hunters worldwide will, for the first time, unleash the power of PS Vita and use it to hunt, battle and collect like never before.

For Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom on PS3, we have drafted in a BAFTA-winning team, Magenta Software from Liverpool, UK, who are known for high quality family games. At XDev we are really excited about the action adventure single player gameplay experience Magenta has developed exclusively for PS3.

What’s more, Magenta and Novarama have been working together on a completely unique multiplayer experience. For the first time, players of Invizimals: The Alliance will be able to link up with players of Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom on PS3 through cross-platform play, staging frantic four-player battles or sending and receiving bonus game items through co-op play. I hope you’ll agree that this is exciting news!

It is truly two games exploring both sides of the magical Invizimals universe! To give you a sneak preview of what we are working on, take a look at this teaser trailer:

Here to tell you more about Invizimals: The Alliance is Dani Sanchez-Crespo, Creative Director/CEO at Novarama Technology.

Working side by side with the hardware teams, we have made sure the PS Vita is the perfect Invizimal hunting machine. Every function of the PS Vita, from the screen to the touch pads, has been tried and tested, to ensure hunters worldwide only get the best of the best.

Let’s start with the capture, which uses many new Augmented Reality technologies only available through the power of PS Vita. Do you want to track Invizimals around your house? YES! Find giant creatures lurking on buildings around your city? YES! Use touch, sound and orientation to lure that creature into your hands? YES! Invizimals: The Alliance has 20 all-new capture mechanics, where your hunting skills will truly be put to test.

We’ve also introduced a brand new battle system where you can battle with up to four creatures. You can battle solo, with other friends on PS Vita, or even use Cross-Play to fight your friends on PS3 in epic battle arenas. Free movement, team attacks, unlockable techniques… it’s Invizimals, but it’s a completely new experience.

And finally, there’s the new story. We can’t go into much detail now, but suffice to say all our heroes are back, on a quest to save the Invizimals from a new, larger than ever menace. They need the full Alliance of Invizimals Hunters to stop this new threat. And you know what that means, right? It means YOU.

We look forward to sharing more details with you soon. Back to you, Mitsu!


Whilst the Invizimals: The Alliance (PS Vita) puts the onus on you to hunt and collect the Invizimals in your own world, Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom (PS3), takes you from your living room, straight to the mythical world of the Invizimals.

For the first time, you can now immerse yourself in the Invizimals world, and experience the game playing as Invizimals. Yes, you heard that right! Here’s your chance to transform into an Invizimal and harness the special powers and save the Lost Kingdom from falling into the wrong hand. You will need to master all the special skills to solve puzzles and defeat your enemies so be prepared for the roller coaster ride of your life!


We’ve also added support for Cross-Play, so you can now enjoy playing Invizimals with your friends in a frenzied four-player multiplayer mode!

We’re really excited to be working on these games and can’t wait for them to be released later this year. Until then, keep checking back here on PlayStation Blog for further updates. In the meantime, if you would like to post comments or ask questions to either myself or Dani, we’ll be standing by, so post away!


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