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Be the first to play new PlayStation titles at the UEFA Champions Festival

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The biggest event in the club football calendar, the UEFA Champions League Final, is just over one month away – and it’s happening in London! To mark its arrival, a free four day event, The UEFA Champions Festival, will be hosted from 23rd to 26th May at The International Quarter, close to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. There’ll be loads of fun, interactive, family-friendly activities taking place there. And guess what. We’ll be there too!

To celebrate our sponsorship of the UEFA Champions League and our involvement in this amazing event, we’ve created our own space down there – the PlayStation Stadium. You’ll be able to play some of our best games out at the moment and also get your hands on some upcoming new titles. Test your dexterity on Sports Champions 2, experience the magical theatre of Puppeteer, thieve through time with Sly Cooper and even be among the first to enter the amazing paper world of Tearaway.

If that’s not enough (and, let’s face it, a celebration of football wouldn’t be complete without you actually being able to have a kickaround), we’ll also be giving you the opportunity to show off your fancy footwork on our pitch – there’ll be coaching sessions, penalties, drills and much, much more so lace up your shooting boots and get practicing!

Just by taking part in these activities you’ll be in with a chance of winning some incredible prizes – everything from games, to consoles, to even… tickets to the UEFA Champions League Final itself!

You can find out more information about the Festival here but stay tuned for updates from us here, on our Facebook page and on Twitter – just use #PlayStationStadium!


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