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Acclaimed indie adventure Machinarium coming to PS Vita next week

Гость PlayStation®

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We’re thrilled to be bringing our acclaimed adventure title Machinarium to PS Vita on 1st May. When the PS3 version was released, we called it the best version of the game. In it, we added lots of new features – like the ability to zoom in to get a closer look at the scene, magnetic hotspots, 12 Trophies and more.

The PS Vita version makes no compromises. In fact, it’s even better! It includes all the enhancements from the PS3 version, but we’ve added some new features to complement PS Vita’s capabilities. You can now control the game not only with the system’s analogue sticks and buttons, but also directly with your fingers on the touch screen and rear touch panel. We’ve improved the zoom feature too, so it’s more convenient to play the game in a portable capacity.


The graphics, music and sounds are presented at full quality, and everything runs smoothly and looks as beautiful as ever on Vita’s gorgeous 5″ OLED display. For the best audio experience, put on some nice headphones so you can fully enjoy the award-winning soundtrack by Floex.

We’ve also integrated PSN leaderboards: see how quickly you can finish the game, and how your time stacks up against the rest of the world.

All in all, we are very happy with the PS Vita version of Machinarium. It will be available next Wednesday for €5.99 (the download weighs in at 330 MB). Check out the Amanita blog, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest. Let us know what you think!


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