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Become a PlayStation Mobile publisher for free

Гость PlayStation®

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Гость PlayStation®


We are looking forward seeing your exciting ideas become reality and having fun developing together.

We’re always looking to support new developer talent, so we’ve decided to waive the publisher license fee (€80, £65) for PlayStation Mobile, which means you can bring your games to PlayStation Vita or any PlayStation-certified device, free of charge.

Those of you who want to throw your hat into the ring of PlayStation Mobile development now have the perfect opportunity to place your game alongside popular titles like Haunt the House: Switch Galaxy and Beats Trellis.


If you’ve been sitting on a gem of a mobile title, or found yourself with some extra time this summer, then this is the moment you’ve been waiting for.

Starting on Wednesday, May 8th the Publisher License Fee for PlayStation Mobile will be waived. Check out the PlayStation Mobile Developer Portal for more information.

PS Vita owners can download games mentioned in this post from the PlayStation Mobile section of PlayStation Store. Owners of PlayStation certified devices can obtain them through the PlayStation Mobile Store – click here for full instructions.


Check out everything you need to know about PlayStation Mobile on PlayStation Mobile website which has a key game highlights, a direct link to the Dev Portal, and a link to download the PlayStation Mobile application for Android to your PlayStation certified device.

We’ve seen some really cool games already come to PlayStation Mobile and can’t wait to check out what you can come up with next!


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