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Epic Mickey 2 on PS Vita This June with Enhanced Features

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Гость PlayStation®


We’re always looking for new experiences to bring to PS Vita owners, and many times it’s as easy as looking at the extensive catalog of games that make up the PS3 library. The powerful hardware included in PS Vita has no problem handling PS3-quality experiences on the go, and we’re excited to bring another PS3 title to your favorite handheld. Today we’re announcing that PS Vita owners will be able to check out Disney Interactive’s Epic Mickey 2 on PS Vita next month, on June 18th.

Epic Mickey 2 comes to PS Vita with a number of new features that are only made possible with PS Vita’s unique touch capabilities. On the backend, we’ve added things like ad hoc network functionality, but we’ve also implemented new ways to control the game. You’ll be able to control paint, thinner and Oswald’s electric beam using the touch screen, as well as use orientation-based controls for both the camera and while driving.

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You’ll find added touch screen functionality elsewhere; use it to give instructions to AI, select/drag/drop sketches, burst bubbles and projectiles, and navigate all menus.

We think that Epic Mickey 2 will be a great addition to the ever-growing games line-up on PS Vita, and know that we’re continually searching for the best games—whether brand new titles or ones existing already on PS3—to bring to PS Vita gamers everywhere. Until next time, game on!


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