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Divetips: Divekick Strategies From EVO’s Top 3


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Tuesday! By now, many of you are starting to realize just how deep and competitive this game really is. Online ranked play is going to be filled with killers in no time, so to help you get a head start, we’ve compiled a few tips from the top 3 finishers at EVO 2013. Additionally, we’ve included a quick character bio for our final fighter, Kenny, to complement our first two PS.Blog roster updates (see them
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5 Tips from EVO Champion Mean Saltine

  • Know your spacing. Every character in the game has a different angle on their divekick. It is critical that you know how close you can get to your opponent without getting kicked in the face. You know you are at the perfect range when you can react to an opponents attack with an attack of your own.
  • Be patient. It might seem natural to go crazy with your divekicks, but it is much more effective to wait for your opponent to make a mistake before you strike. Playing too aggressive is very dangerous against patient opponents!
  • Use your special moves. Every character has two special abilities in the game. Sometimes knowing when to use these moves can turn a defeat into a big win. Experiment with different ways to use special moves to surprise your opponent.
  • Watch the clock. When the time reaches zero seconds, the character closest to the center of the stage will win the round. When time is short it is usually wiser to play for a win via time out than to aggressively pursue your opponent.
  • Manage your meter. Your kickfactor meter is needed to execute your special moves, but if you hold off on using those, you can fill you meter for a massive (but temporary) bonus in jump height and kick speed. Use this opportunity to push your opponent into the corner for an easy win.
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<h3 class="center">5 tips from EVO Runner Up Kerahime~

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