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Killzone Mercenary Botzone Out Today on PS Vita


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A few weeks ago we added two classic Killzone multiplayer maps to

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. Since then we’ve been working on adding more to Killzone Mercenary, and finally it’s here on
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. We’re very pleased to announce the release of our latest update for Killzone Mercenary, delivering an offline multiplayer experience to our 8 maps.

With the purchase of the Botzone Soldier Training Pack, all of our multiplayer maps can be played offline in Mercenary or Guerrilla Warfare modes, against up to 7 AI soldiers. As the game host, you’ll have control over the number of teammates and enemies joining you in battle.

In team modes, you have the luxury of picking your compatriots and foes: play with 3 against 1 for a quick kill, or go brave and take on an entire team of bots alone. Your choice, soldier!

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Killzone Mercenary Botzone brings new skills to the series’ traditionally strong AI bot experience: Vanguard usage, zip line navigation, interrogations, rescues, capsule hacking, and valour card collection are all behaviors unique to the game and our AI is going to challenge you with all of them. Not only that, but our cunning bots will also be using many of the game’s diverse loadouts to stop you in your tracks.

And it doesn’t stop there; you’ll have the chance to collect some of those harder-to-obtain multiplayer trophies in an offline arena — provided your skills are up to the challenge, of course!

Finally, we’ve also taken opportunity with this update to fix up some longer standing collision issues reported in the multiplayer maps. As such, the update will be mandatory for anyone wishing to play online multiplayer, with 23 MB required on the memory card to download it (549 MB if you’ve not downloaded our previous updates).

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Today, the title update will be made available for download, and the Botzone Soldier Training Pack will also be available for purchase from PlayStation Store. The Botzone Soldier Training Pack will be required in order to unlock the in-game Botzone menu.

Happy fragging, and enjoy your training!


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