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The Powers of Murasaki Baby on PS Vita


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Hello, PlayStation fans! Since our announcement of Murasaki Baby, the team at Ovosonico has been hard at work perfecting the game. Today we wanted to share some details on the gameplay in Chapter 3 with you.

In Murasaki Baby, Baby wakes up in a nightmarish dream world with all sorts of frightening creations straight from a child’s imagination. So far, on her journey to find her Mommy, Baby has made two new friends and used eight background mood powers in the previous two chapters.

For those of you who may not recall, as you and Baby journey through this nightmarish land, you’ll make use of the various backgrounds and their powers to help, guide, and protect her. Using PS Vita’s rear touch screen, you can swipe with your finger to switch between backgrounds.

Below are four new background moods that Baby comes across in this chapter of the game:

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The black and white background is called the “Heart of Stone.” Tapping the PlayStation Vita’s rear touch pad will make Baby’s balloon magically become as heavy as stone. Perfect for the occasion when you need something solid to hold on to.

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The blue background is called “Frozen Hell” and will freeze just about anything, including Baby’s balloon. While it’s great to freeze bodies of water, be careful not to leave it active for too long or Baby’s balloon will shatter.

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When the green background, “The Eye of Scrutiny”, is activated, Baby will shrink. While in this tiny state, Baby’s balloon will lift her high into the air.

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Finally, there’s the red background, which is neutral. While there are no great powers to take advantage of here, when the red background is active, Baby becomes calm.

We hope you enjoyed this brief look into Chapter 3. Stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog for more information on Murasaki Baby!


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