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Sci-fi adventure Nova-111 available today on PS4


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You know that feeling when you are at home totally ready to jump into a game. So you look through your games library and you think to yourself — man I really want to play this action-packed real-time game! Wait, no, actually I am feeling this thoughtful turn-based strategy game. What to do? Why can’t I have both?!?

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Well, we feel your pain and we’ve worked hard to bring to you

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– a quirky sci-fi adventure game that combines both the depth of turn-based games with thrill of real-time action!

Nova-111 puts you in control of a charming orange science rescue vessel in the aftermath of the World’s Greatest Science Experiment (gone wrong). The peaceful turn-based world has been entangled with the real-time universe, distorting space and time.

Your goal is to save the 111 scientists that were lost in the vortex and restore the flow of time. Along your journey, you will battle aliens, solve puzzles and collect upgrades like the Time-Stop module to manipulate time.

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This is the hidden content, please
This is the hidden content, please


The game itself starts off as a strategic turn-based adventure game, but as time gradually unravels, new enemies emerge that begin to exhibit weird real-time behaviours.

The best among you will learn the tricks of the enemies, and master the unique timing and strategy in order to emerge victorious and unscathed. Use your smarts to overcome each enemy encounter in our hand-crafted world, and you will revel in the satisfying glow of conquering each challenge that the game throws at you.

Nova-111 is available today on PS4, with the PS3 and PS Vita versions to follow. Nova-111 is a Cross-Buy game, so you’ll be able to embark on your cosmic voyage from whatever Playstation device you fancy.

So if this all sounds good to you, please check it out! And I truly hope you will enjoy Nova-111 as much as we’ve enjoyed making it for y’all!

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This is the hidden content, please

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PlayStation Blog EU


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