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The Tomorrow Children open beta weekend starts this Friday


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Greetings, loyal comrades! Dylan Cuthbert from

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here. Following the success of our closed beta in January, we are hosting an open weekend for
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, from 9.00am BST/10.00am CET this Friday, 3rd June until 9.00am BST/10.00am CET Monday 6th June, to give as many people as possible a chance to experience the game for themselves, and to help give their all in service to our glorious nation and help restore civilisation!

Of course, we realise that this will be the first venture into the Void for many of you and do not want to send you off to labour without being properly educated. Study the following information closely!

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The Void

The true nature of the Void is a mystery, but it will claim those who stray too far from the stabilizing fields in towns. Be sure to use the bus to travel safely to islands.


The resources needed to expand and maintain towns, as well as Matryoshka Dolls in need of rescue, are found on the strange islands that surround towns. Take your tools and travel there to toil in service of our nation!


Towns require electric power to function. Build and use Treadmill Generators to keep them going!

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Go to the Ministry of Labour to receive Ration Coupons in exchange for your hard work. These coupons are traded at kiosks for a variety of items needed for doing more work!


Towns are under constant threat of attack by the Izverg, monsters of unknown origin. Build turrets and arm yourselves to turn them away!


Remember that all comrades are working together for the common good. Items on the ground and stored resources can be used freely by all!

As your time in the Void grows, we are sure that you will learn what kind of service suits you best. We will of course support you as well, but it is the duty of all comrades to become stronger in mind, body, and spirit for the glory of all!

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Join us on our

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on Friday 3rd June at 9.00am BST/10.00am CET and Monday 6th June at 2.00am BST/3.00am CET, where we’ll be covering the basics and tricks, general Q&A and talk sessions with the staff.

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, and we’ll see you in the Void in a couple of days!

The post

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appeared first on
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PlayStation Blog EU


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кстати, уже можно предзагрузить

хоть сейчас гляну шо это за наркомания, ибо во время збт серваки только на 3 часа врубали <_<

Изменено пользователем Trigg3r (смотреть историю редактирования)
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да, стоит самому глянуть и свое мнение составить. может и затянет...  :pardon:


    :game-plat: :button_x::button_square::button_triangle::button_circle:  Ё/П/Р/С/Т/J/RPG  FAN  :button_circle::button_triangle::button_square::button_x:  :game-plat:

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кстати, уже можно предзагрузить

а в каком сторе она доступна? в укр/русс не нашел... :blink:

Изменено пользователем albiryuk (смотреть историю редактирования)


    :game-plat: :button_x::button_square::button_triangle::button_circle:  Ё/П/Р/С/Т/J/RPG  FAN  :button_circle::button_triangle::button_square::button_x:  :game-plat:

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в рус. сторе, раздел демо(или бесплатно, не помню).
там целый баннер, сложно пропустить

вот ссыль:

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Изменено пользователем Trigg3r (смотреть историю редактирования)
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@Trigg3r, спасибо. правда не видел  :ph34r:  :D  


    :game-plat: :button_x::button_square::button_triangle::button_circle:  Ё/П/Р/С/Т/J/RPG  FAN  :button_circle::button_triangle::button_square::button_x:  :game-plat:

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