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Let’s Fish! Hooked On Aims To Reel In PS Vita Gamers

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Being our first, exclusive, collaboration with Sony, we are extremely proud to bring you Let’s Fish! Hooked On, the first full-scale fishing game on PS Vita, coming this autumn. So, being given the opportunity to speak directly to real gamers, we decided to share the game’s first screenshots and artwork here.


Let’s Fish! Hooked On, which was originally released in Japan, is developed by renowned Tokyo-based studio SIMS, whose games include SEGA Bass Fishing and PSP launch title Ape Escape. If you hadn’t guessed already, Let’s Fish! Hooked On also has beautifully illustrated anime style artwork – designed by well-known Japanese artist Poyoyon Rock (whose most recent character design artwork was used for the manga series The World God Only Knows).

The game combines realistic fishing action with fast arcade-style gameplay and comes complete with a full story mode, which aims to make fishing fun for everyone. Choosing between four different characters, each with their own storyline and unique skills, players are challenged to improve their skills and become World Champion by competing in a host of progressively more difficult tournaments on the World Tour.

The game is split into four different game modes: World Tour – with its character-driven storyline, Challenge – quick bursts of fishing action with online rankings, Training – to help develop your skills, and Underwater Mode, which lets you view your prized catches, all of which are designed to make use of PS Vita’s impressive features.


The intertwining — and often humorous — relationships between the game’s characters drives the story, as you see just how much fun fishing can be using PS Vita’s touchscreen and rear touch pad.

For more hardcore fishing fans there are nine different kinds of fish to catch – including bass, trout and salmon – and 240 lures to earn across 11 themed outdoor stages, but the game’s arcade tendencies mean it’s fast and fun to play and has more than enough to keep you entertained, whether you know your Rainbow Trout from your King Salmon or not.

Lots more screenshots, artwork and videos will be released in the coming weeks, along with the game’s release date. In the meantime, follow us on Facebook and on Twitter for all the latest news and competitions.

We hope you’ll be hooked later this year! Thanks for your time. *Flips tail*


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