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[FAQ] Играем в онлайне на П1 без замков...


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  В 05.04.2018 в 21:47, smalling сказал:

hi anybody knows how to do on D-LINK ROUTER?
I blocked URL but the console is not connecting to the network Just IP...THANKS


Take a screenshot of your modem’s access control screen where you set access rules.

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  В 06.04.2018 в 16:19, quiteunusual сказал:

Take a screenshot of your modem’s access control screen where you set access rules.


hi thx
here they are


This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please


Изменено пользователем Korotun (смотреть историю редактирования)
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неработающий инет на консоли можно вылечить только передергиванием кабелем? ждать бесполезно?





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  В 07.04.2018 в 18:03, smalling сказал:

hi thx
here they are


Well, it seems you blocked the target url correctly, should work if your router does it properly. Does your computer have any troubles connecting to the internet with this block enabled? You shouldn’t be able to access just that url, everything else should work.  Aslo, do you have any “П1 (User1)” accounts on your console? Because if you have, there is probability the block is working properly and your console just experiencing “the attack” (license check) and can’t connect to the network until the attack is fought off.

  В 07.04.2018 в 18:21, Sirogabober сказал:

неработающий инет на консоли можно вылечить только передергиванием кабелем? ждать бесполезно?



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  В 08.04.2018 в 00:07, quiteunusual сказал:

Well, it seems you blocked the target url correctly, should work if your router does it properly. Does your computer have any troubles connecting to the internet with this block enabled? You shouldn’t be able to access just that url, everything else should work.  Aslo, do you have any “П1 (User1)” accounts on your console? Because if you have, there is probability the block is working properly and your console just experiencing “the attack” (license check) and can’t connect to the network until the attack is fought off.



url is not working neither on pc nor ps4 browser… but licence checking works...PS1 you mean accounts without deactivating from website and using only by change user...yes i had but after 10 hours everything was good and I tried to install FC5 without deactivating and changing to this ps4 and I gave it to my friend he deactive and activated on his ps4 . after his activating my all ps1 games + FC5 got locked...LOL I was happy for 10 hoursbiggrin

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  В 08.04.2018 в 20:23, smalling сказал:

url is not working neither on pc nor ps4 browser… but licence checking works...PS1 you mean accounts without deactivating from website and using only by change user...yes i had but after 10 hours everything was good and I tried to install FC5 without deactivating and changing to this ps4 and I gave it to my friend he deactive and activated on his ps4 . after his activating my all ps1 games + FC5 got locked...LOL I was happy for 10 hoursbiggrin


This topic is about using accounts already deactivated via site while being online and without risking "locks” to appear. Those are called P1 (П1).

coming soon

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  В 08.04.2018 в 20:23, smalling сказал:

url is not working neither on pc nor ps4 browser… but licence checking works...PS1 you mean accounts without deactivating from website and using only by change user...yes i had but after 10 hours everything was good and I tried to install FC5 without deactivating and changing to this ps4 and I gave it to my friend he deactive and activated on his ps4 . after his activating my all ps1 games + FC5 got locked...LOL I was happy for 10 hoursbiggrin


As stated aboove, П1 / U1 (aka “User #1) accounts are those that are manually deactivated via website but still stay activated on your console while the router block doesn’t allow periodic license checks to clear current status of the installed games and lock them. We here share account between 4 persons (two U1, U2, U3) when buying a game. U1 type of accounts is cheapest coz it’s one time download only and you can’t sell it or share with others etc. After you download game and activate account on your console, organizer of the shared purchase deactivates the account via website, changes log/pass  and passes the account data to U2. So, basically you keep the working game but lose access to account. If you want to be able to add further digital content from the store or play onlline while having U1 type of accounts on your console (and keep the locks away of course) you have to use properly working router block which you turn off when adding new contents (after checking if it’s safe currently, there is a way to do that, as well as there is a way to fight the license check off while the router block is still on) and turn it back on just afterwards. Hope this clears things up a bit.

Изменено пользователем quiteunusual (смотреть историю редактирования)
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  В 09.04.2018 в 10:30, quiteunusual сказал:

As stated aboove, П1 / U1 (aka “User #1) accounts are those that are manually deactivated via website but still stay activated on your console while the router block doesn’t allow periodic license checks to clear their current status and lock them. We here share account between 4 persons (two U1, U2, U3) when buying a game. U1 type of accounts is cheapest coz it’s one time download only and you can’t sell it or share with others etc. After you and other U1 download and activate account on your console, organizer of the shared purchase deactivates the account via website, changes log/pass  and passes the account data to U2. So, basically you keep the working game but lose access to account. If you want to be able to add further digital content from the store or play onlline while having U1 type of accounts on your console (and keep the locks away of course) you have to use properly working router block which you turn off when adding new contents (after checking if it’s safe currently, there is a way to do that, as well as there is a way to fight the license check off while the router block is still on) and turn it back on just afterwards. Hope this clears things up a bit.


Thank you man _ all good _ But when i press RESTORE LICENCE option on ps4 it goes 100% while the topic said must show error! url is blocked and not work on browser- is it a problem ?


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  В 09.04.2018 в 10:35, smalling сказал:

Thank you man _ all good _ But when i press RESTORE LICENCE option on ps4 it goes 100% while the topic said must show error! url is blocked and not work on browser- is it a problem ?



Yes, it’s a problem. When the block is working properly license check starts as usual and there is even some progress bar advance but it should fail after a while (domain name error message). If it doesn’t the block isn’t working and you’ll get locks on U1 games eventually.

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  В 09.04.2018 в 10:49, quiteunusual сказал:

Yes, it’s a problem. When the block is working properly license check starts as usual and there is even some progress bar advance but it should fail after a while (domain name error message). If it doesn’t the block isn’t working and you’ll get locks on U1 games eventually.


ow :((( I Dont know how to fix it

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  В 09.04.2018 в 10:50, smalling сказал:

ow :((( I Dont know how to fix it


I don’t know for sure if it’s possible with your router, I have TP-Link. But you can use SkyDNS service (even though it’s not that convenient) or buy TP-Link, they are cheap.


PS: Mine is good old 840N.

Изменено пользователем quiteunusual (смотреть историю редактирования)
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  В 09.04.2018 в 10:54, quiteunusual сказал:

I don’t know for sure if it’s possible with your router, I have TP-Link. But you can use SkyDNS service (even though it’s not that convenient) or buy TP-Link, they are cheap.


Today I will buy and message you...Can we chat on a messenger plz?

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  В 09.04.2018 в 10:56, smalling сказал:

Today I will buy and message you...Can we chat on a messenger plz?


Yes, you can PM me here if you need.

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  В 09.04.2018 в 11:03, quiteunusual сказал:

Yes, you can PM me here if you need.


Вот так ми6 украинцев и вербует...

coming soon

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  В 09.04.2018 в 11:28, leonid4d сказал:

Вот так ми6 украинцев и вербует...


З дитинства мріяв :trollface:

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Обязательно нужно ждать пока игра полностью загрузится? Или можно активировать и восстанавливать лицензии в начале загрузки игр?

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  В 09.04.2018 в 15:32, sherruh сказал:

Обязательно нужно ждать пока игра полностью загрузится? Или можно активировать и восстанавливать лицензии в начале загрузки игр?


Можно в начале. Но, если пойдет что-то не так и игру передадут дальше, то вы уже ничего не получите.


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@sherruh если игра уже вышла то можно и сразу. А если предзаказ то дождись окончания, запусти проверь и тогда уже блоч. А то в последнее время как с атсасином последним докачивать нужно было файлы языка после релиза и еще пару игр. 


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  В 09.04.2018 в 15:32, sherruh сказал:

Обязательно нужно ждать пока игра полностью загрузится? Или можно активировать и восстанавливать лицензии в начале загрузки игр?


я вот к примеру брал Division – скачал – а допов нет. Ибо не скачал их сразу. Повезло хоть не передали дальше, успел докачать их





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там обнова стрёмная вышла, где они говорят что будут собирать данные, кто-то уже пробовал?

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Брал ведьмак 3 месяц назад, щас вышло обновление на него 

Смогу ли я с блокировкой обновить игру? 

П. С. Это правда что уже есть прошивке выше 5.50? Смогу ли обновить прошу и не терять п1?


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  В 12.04.2018 в 20:37, runaways сказал:

@Аваллак'х да


Сразу на все три моих вопроса? 


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@Аваллак'х Да

Хотя на самом то деле, довольно странно поставлен вопрос. Если у тебя стоит блокировка, то ты уже давно должен был обновить и на 5,50 и на 5,51 и на 5,53. Да и обновы на игры прилетают автоматом, как минимум при запуске игры.

А вот если ты сейчас сидишь в оффлайне и планируешь первый раз настроить блок чтобы выйти в онлайн – я бы не советовал. Не у всех получается с первого раза всё правильно сделать.

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